682 High Street, Thornbury Victoria 3071
Lymphatic drainage massage is a gentle, yet powerful and effective whole body treatment that encourages the movement of lymphatic fluid around the body.
Lymphatic drainage massage is a gentle, yet powerful and effective whole body treatment that encourages the movement of lymphatic fluid around the body.
The fluid in the lymphatic system helps eliminate waste, bacteria and toxins from body tissues. This type of massage assists with maintaining good blood circulation and body fluid balance, calming and detoxifying the nervous system and boosting immune function.
Involving a range of specialised gentle and pain-free rhythmic pumping techniques, the pressure is very light and rhythmical to encourage the movement of lymphatic fluid.
Lymphatic drainage massage can be used on people of all ages as an anti-inflammatory technique and to alleviate fluid retention and oedema in the body.
Lymphatic drainage massage can assist with health conditions that include: